I am a PhD student at Imperial College London. My research mainly focuses on climate finance, corporate finance and sovereign debt.
I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Bologna with a B.A. in Business and Economics (CLABE) and an M.A. in Economics (LMEC).
During my undergraduate studies, I spent one semester at the University of Bologna's campus in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In the second year of my master, I spent one semester at the University of California, Berkeley.
After that, I interned in the Monetary Policy Research Department of the European Central Bank.
I started my PhD at Imperial College London in September 2020.
In Summer 2021, I was a research intern at the Bank of Italy in Rome, after being shortlisted as "particularly deserving" by the Bank of Italy's Mortara Scholarship.
Since September 2021, I have been part of the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP).
In Spring 2023, I was a visiting PhD student at Berkeley Haas, sponsored by Ulrike Malmendier.
Outside of research, I'm a passionate skier, hiker, runner (completed my first Half Marathon in Lisbon 2024), boulderer, and modern art enthusiast.
PRI Blog Post - How exposure to weather events can affect analysts’ earning forecasts Jan 2023.
Podcast "Clauses & Controversies" May 2022.
"La Nadef, l'effetto Draghi e l'insegnamento del caso Colombia" on Il Foglio (02/10/2021).
"On the Benefits of Repaying" on Vox EU (24/09/2021).